Infty Project

Lectures given at International Conferences/Workshops, since 1998
Date Conferences/Workshops Lecturer and Title
Aug.15-18 2006

Communicating Mathematics in Digital Era, (CMDE 2006)

  • M.Suzuki
    "A Handwriting Interface for Mathematical Expressions Invited Session Pen-Based Interfaces for Mathematical Documents "

May. 2006
Drexel University,            Philadelphia, U.S.A.

East Coast Computer Algebra Day 2006,
  • M.Suzuki
    "Handwriting Interface to Mathematical Expressions "
Apr.27-28 2006
2nd IEEE International Conference on Document Image Analysis for Libraries ,
  • T.Kanahori, M.Suzuki
    "Refinement of retro-digitized documents including mathematical formulae by re-recognition"
Feb. 2006
Nelson,New Zealand
7th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems,
  • S.Toyota, S.Uchida, M.Suzuki
    "A Structural Analysis of Mathematical Formulae with Verification based on Formula Description Grammar, "
Dec. 2005
Seul, Korea
7th International Conference on Computer Mathematics (ASCM2005)
  • S.Toyota, T.Miezaki, M.Suzuki
    "Math edit box on the web"
  • M.Fujimoto, M.Suzuki
    "AsirPad -- A Computer Algebra System with a Pen-based Interface on PDA"
Aug. 2005
Seul, Korea
8th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2005)
  • M.Suzuki, S.Uchida, A.Nomura
    "Ground-truthed mathematical character and symbol image database"
July 31 - August 3, 2005
Nara, Japan
ACA'2005 Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra
  • M.Suzuki
    "An authoring tool for Math Web with pen-based formula input interface"
July. 2005
Birmingham, UK
QAC Sight Village'2005 symposium, Blind Math session
  • M.Suzuki
    "Optical Character Recognition of Math in printed document"
July. 2005
Bremen, Germany
4rd International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management
  • K.Nakagawa, M.Suzuki
    "Mathematical knowledge browser with automatic hyperlink detection"
Sept. 2004
Bialowieja, Poland
3rd International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management
  • K.Nakagawa, A.Nomura, M.Suzuki
    "Extraction of Logical Structure from Articles in Mathematics"
  • M. Fujimoto, T. Kanahori and M. Suzuki
    "Infty Editor - A Mathematics Typesetting Tool with a Handwriting Interface and a Graphical Front-End to OpenXM Servers"
July 2004
Paris, France
9th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs
  • M.Suzuki, T.Kanahori, N.Ohtake, K.Yamaguchi
    "An Integrated OCR Software for mathematical Documents and Its Output with Accessibility"
April 2004
Minneapolis, U.S.A.
IMA Hot Topics Workshop - Enhancing the Searching of Mathematics
  • M.Suzuki
    "From Paper to XML in Mathematics"
Nov. 2003
Grenoble, France
The 3rd ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2003
  • M.Suzuki, F.Tamari, R.Fukuda, S.Uchida, T.Kanahori
    "Infty--An integrated OCR system for mathematical documents"
Aug. 2003
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
The 7nd International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
  • A.Nomura, K.Michishita, S.Uchida, M.Suzuki
    "Detection and Segmentation of Touching Characters in Mathematical Expressions"
Feb. 2003
Bertinoro, Italy
The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management
  • Y.Baba, M.Suzuki
    "An Annotated Corpus and a Grammar Model of Theorem Description"
July 2002
Linz, Austria
The 8th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs
  • T.Kanahori, M.Suzuki
    "Infty Alpha Test Site"
June 2002
Volos, Greece
The 8th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra
  • M.Fujimoto, M.Suzuki
    "A Handwriting Interface to Various Computer Algebra Systems via OpenXM Framework"
March 18-20, 2002
Ann Arbor, U.S.A
Workshop on Linking and searching in distributed digital libraries
  • M.Suzuki
    "Extraction of text data and hyperlink structure from scanned images of mathematical journals"
  • E.Ando
    "A recognition system of voluminous journals of mathematics"
Sept. 2001
Kingston, Canada
The 4th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition
  • T.Kanahori, M.Suzuki
    "A Recognition Method of Matrices by Using Variable Block Pattern Elements Generating Rectangular Areas"
Sept. 2001
Seattle, U.S.A.
The 6th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
  • Y.Eto, M.Suzuki
    "Mathematical Formula Recognition Using Virtual Link Network"
Oct. 2000
Illinois, U.S.A.
The 1st MathML and Math on the Web Conference
  • M.Suzuki
    "Handwriting interface for MathML and other notaions of mathematical expressions"
Sept. 2000
Beijing, China
The 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Interfaces
  • T.Kanahori, K.Tabata, W.Cong, F.Tamari, M.Suzuki
    "On-Line Recognition of Mathematical Expressions Using Automatic Rewriting Method"
Aug. 1-3, 2000
Essen, Germany
International conference on the retrodigitization of mathematical journals and their integration into searchable digital libraries
  • M.Suzuki
    "A Design of Optical Recognition System of Mathematical Documents--An Exerimental Implimentation"
  • Y.Eto
    "Optical Recognition of Mathematical Expressions Using Spanning Tree of Minimum Cost"
  • F.Tamari
    "On the segmentation of Japanese Area / Mathematical Area"
July 2000
Karlsruhe, Germany
The 7th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs
  • R.Fukuda, M.Suzuki
    "Optical Recognition and Braille Transcription of Mathematical Documents"
Dec. 1999
Guangzhou, China
The 4th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
  • H.Okamura, I.Sou, R.Fukuda, F.Tamari, M.Suzuki
    "Handwriting Interface for Computer Algebra Systems"
Nov. 1998
Nagano, Japan
The 3rd International Association for Pattern Recognition, Workshop on Document Anasysis Systems
  • S.Nouzumi, K.Inoue, R.Miyazaki, M.Suzuki
    "Optical Recognition System of Printed Japanese Mathematical Documents"
Aug. 1998
Tsukuba, Japan
The 3rd Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
  • K.Inoue, R.Miyazaki, M.Suzuki
    "Optical Recognition of Printed Mathematical Documents"
  • R.Fukuda, M.Suzuki
    "On-line recognition of handwritten mathematical formulas via Network"

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